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Hello Guys, in a previous thread we stated we was going to do a vBshop icon pack dedicated to the suggestions of our customers, so this thread is designed for you to post what you'd like to see in the next pack (the pack will contain 45 items all chosen by YOU).

Please make sure your suggestion hasn't already been posted, once we have enough suggestions this thread will then close and work on the pack will comence, please note that unfortunatly we cannot garentee all of your suggestions will be used however we'll try and get as many of the popular ones as possible. Anything listed below will be INCLUDED in our next pack:

Customer Icon Pack

Condom - Megatr0n
Ring (Wedding) - Megatr0n
Rose - Megatr0n
Vibrator - Megatr0n
Cookie - Megatr0n
Kiss - Megatr0n
Gold bar - D19RNY
Troll - D19NY
Potato - am0
Donkey - am0
Vodka - RedSpades
Wiskey - RedSpades
Demon - cykelmyggen

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I highly recommend a wide selection of Alcohol drinks that can be purchased. Most of my members are around the 18-25 years age so we are sorta the party folk. ;)
How about:
A potato
A stone

We already have Wii/Ps3/xbox in with the gaming pack, bana comes in the original DBtech pack and rock/stone also comes into the DB-tech pack. however potato and donkey i could add :)
i'll throw in a few more of my own tand expand on ones we have i'll start work on sunday for these :) keep the suggestions coming!
I'd like to see an actual Fantasy RPG pack. Nothing based on any particular game and not in any kind of Anime style. Just like clean fantasy graphics.

Also the release of any PSDs for images that have numbers on them so we can make our own.
We do have a fantasy RPG pack available to buy right now. just look in the store for the RPG pack. it contains fantasy weapons/armor/characters and potions you'd typically find in any form of RPG.

The release date for our customer pack will be determined once we have a sufficiant ammount of icons we can release however i might just release a small version with the current suggestions in for a smaller price compared to that of a full scale pack, i'll release a mini sized one about 25 images big containing all the suggestions you guys have given me. approx release date will be late sunday.
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