Bug Blocks showing as N/A

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I'm having a problem with blocks at the bottom of my forum. It seems that guests won't have this problem and they'll see the following blocks at the bottom: Top Posters, Hottest Threads and Newest Replies. (I haven't tested it extensively for tests, but I think it's fine.) Unfortunately, for many logged in users I believe the middle block which I most recently changed (Hottest Threads) is displaying as N/A. I've repaired the cache, but the problem persists.

Here's a list of blocks in the admin CP: http://prntscr.com/jtb1rg
The settings for Top X Stats: http://prntscr.com/jtb2lm

Any ideas? Hopefully I just did something stupid. :) Though perhaps an SQL query is needed so I can reset everyone's block order as above.
When users refresh the top X stats, their block choice is saved and the setting you choose in the options is irrelevant. Deactivating a block will display them as N/A until the user changes their blocks.
It isn't saving though. On my own account I can change the centre N/A block to Hottest Threads, but after returning to the index afterwards it's reverted to N/A.
Try running this query (add your table prefix as needed): UPDATE user SET dbtech_infopanels_blocks = NULL
Hello @Mantis,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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Legacy InfoPanels

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