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Anyone else getting "random" page lockups after using the v3 Beta of Optimise?

It seems my forums now occasionally lock up my browser. I don't know of anyway to log or pinpoint what happens (I can't open firebug as the browser is completely locked), but the only change I've made to the forums in the past while has been the Optimise Beta.

Like I said, not sure what the real problem is, but wondering if anyone else suddenly started seeing this after testing it out?

I'm using Firefox 3.6.8 if it makes any difference. It's been about 2 weeks since I updated my version of the beta (should I update again?).
Actually I've been seeing this as well. But I'm not 100% sure it's the same issue.

Are you using rackspace's CDN?

I noticed that there were massive problems connecting to there yesterday, couldn't even load my forum/admin page for at least 20 minutes.

I finally got in, disabled the CDN integration and everything has been working great since then. I figured it was just RackSpace having issues and will reenable it again in a couple of days to help be sure they're settled.

However, if it's possible maybe some sort of auto toggle would be cool. Like if the CDN appears to be having a problem (Failing some sort of health check), then disable it on the forums and reenable it again later after the healthcheck has been successful for X minutes. I dunno, just an idea.

Anyway, as I said, not sure if it's the same issue or not, but it could be.
Hmm, I'm using Amazon S3, but I suppose it's not impossible that S3 connectivity has been having intermittent issues?

Although, even if it was.. shouldn't there be a mechanism that pervents the entire browser from being locked up? I'm not sure if it's this bad for you, but I literally can not close the window normally or move to any other open tabs. The browser is just stuck for what seems like a minute, then goes back to normal.
If a CDN becomes unresponsive it's certain to slow the pages but it should be no means "lock" or freeze your browser. Automatic toggling is something I'm looking into, it'll either make it into v3 or v3.1. If you have firebug switftor, after the page has "unlocked", can you go the net tab and see if anything there took forever to load? If static content delivered from Amazon S3 has major download times then that's likely the issue.

As for recent changes, none in 2 weeks actually. It's been running stable afaik for everyone, exception to this you just posted :)
It's been freezing for me also in Google Chrome (when I clicked to get into this thread), so much to the point that I have to open up task manager and end the process to restart Chrome :P
I'll keep my eye out but I've not seen anything so far unfortunately. Let me know if you get lucky with the net tab :)
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