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Just a few feature requests (I don't know when/if Triple Triad is gonna be updated). Sorry for the length of the list - this is a combination of my own suer's suggestions and some I came up with myself:

1) Historical Match Lists - indicate who won on the list. Avatars, maybe?
2) Tournament Index - compile into one list (and indicate which arena for each) and put prize money on that list along with slots available.
3) Tournament Entry Fee & Pool Prize - tournament creator can indicate an entry fee; the entry fee total is awarded to the tournament winner.
4) Images for Deck Packs - when looking at the decks available for purchase, assign images to each.
5) Allow Secret Cards on Database Screen - user can see them when he has obtained that card. Otherwise it shows a blank card with a question mark.
6) Combo Rule - a combo rule which does require Same, Same Wall, or Plus to be invoked.
7) CPU Descriptions - allow CUP players to have a description (and even an image) so that a small level of immersion can be achieved. We could enter general rumours about the CPU player's strategy, reputation, ability, and so forth in there. For example: "The Wandering Trickster is an aggressive player, but fortunately he isn't very skilled. He is know to pull out Magic Item cards from time to time."
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