Legacy 2 or more rows in dropdowns

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Great mod. Installed the update today which is awesome.

Small request if at all possible. Would it be possible to have more than one row per drop down. Currently we have a dropdown with the options in but how about having a second or maybe third row if that makes sense

even have a sub heading above each row.
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I have thought about having dropdowns in multiple dropdowns, so I will consider it it a future version.
Nice one Ozzy.

That with the possibility of sub headings as well would be great.

---------- Post added 13th February 2012 at 17:13 ---------- Previous post was 27th December 2011 at 14:28 ----------

Any update on this Ozzy47 ?
Nope, I am not working on a update to the product which involves Feature Requests. That won't happen till the product is scheduled for a update, and releases I make now are only bug fixes.
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