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1) Give each user the option in their usercp the height of the shoutbox. Have it start on default, but allow the users to choose how large they want to see the shoutbox. Some don't use the shoutbox as often, so they shouldn't have to deal with a larger shoutbox, and the users who love the shoutbox, should be able to see more of the shoutbox if they want.

2) Add permissions for the BBCode. I would like to see an option where users can't use the custom (or any bbc for that matter unless I allow them to) bbcodes in the shoutbox. I have an mp3 bbcode, and other codes like it, and I wouldn't want the shoutbox flooded with music (I checked already though, the mp3 player doesn't work for some reason anyways, it stops after a second of music). Even codes like
 and [php], I would rather have the option of whether or not to be able to use these in the shoutbox.  And an add-on to this request!  I would further more like to be able to change the permissions for each group.  I still wanna be able to post certain bbcodes, but I don't want everyone to be able to do this and over-use the shoutbox.  Make it so we can change who can use these bbcodes, don't just make it all or nothing for all usergroups.

I really would like to see these before the release of the 5.0 update or whatever is coming next, but I would rather you guys work hard on this like you guys always do, and not just throw out a half-finished update.  Thanks for the opportunity to add what [B]I[/B] want into vBShout Pro.  You guys are doing a great job with these mods, and I can't wait to see the next one.  I never thought I would pay so much for just mod, but this and vBActivity were worth it.
Unfortunately there's no time to fit this in for a 5.0 release but they are good suggestions, I'll definitely try to fit them in to a future update :)
I'm not necessarily saying I don't want the option to all mp3 code or not, but there are other things that I don't want to be added in the shoutbox. The ability to use MP3 files would be great though, and I can do it, but it's just not working. You click play and it stops after a second. I think this has to do with the refresh time between shouts. That's why it's not working.
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