
  1. D

    Legacy Total Shouts Posted in Pro-Version with Auto-Delete wrong

    There is a problem with the statistic on the archive-page with the Pro-Version of vbShout. The amount of "Total Shouts Posted:" is wrong, if the auto-delete function of the pro is active. So for example I have activated the auto-delete after 24 hours now and the "Total Shouts Posted:" is showing...
  2. T

    Legacy Extracting and searching based on EXIF data

    One feature that I would love to see is the display and configuration of EXIF data. It would be even better if that data could be clicked on to display other similar images. For example, if a photo was taken with a Nikon D90, "Nikon D90" could be clicked on to view other pictures taken by the...
  3. W

    Bug How to add Nominate botton at footer of posts And Missing Options at AdminCP Setting

    Hi, Please let me know how to display the nominate button at the bottom of the post(postbit). Also, I noticed that the following option is missing at AdminCP > Settings > Options > Dragonbyte-Tech: vBNominate - General Options Combined Menu Hook Location Thread Hook Location Post Hook...
  4. MaysaM

    Question Hide Statics from postbit

    hi hi can i hide statics from postbit? idont wanna show aything. how can? rigards
  5. IcEWoLF

    Bug Weird link showing

    I just recently upgraded my mod and under the sub navbar there is a weird link that points to the user statistics page for DBTech tagging.
  6. Taurus

    Some of your products just don't work on my big forum.

    I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here... But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my...
  7. katoona

    Bug In statistics we have a strange issue

    In our statistiscs the winner of given dislikes is reported to have given 4294967294 number of dislikes, and in reallife he has given none. Its a bug, and when chekcing the user table we find 0 in dbtech_thanks_disliked and 0 in dbtech_thanks_dislikes Have you encountered this problem before...
  8. Valcav

    Legacy Something around "Archive Thread Dump Forum"

    My apologies if it's going to sound strange and/or confusing... Since 11th March 2012 19:22 I have the shoutbox running on my forum (or the time of the first shout). Shoutbox Statistics: Total Shouts Posted: 236 I would "Archive" those into a certain forum. (which I have selected already)...
  9. J

    Legacy How do I remove an item from a user?

    How do I remove an item from a user? And if that's not possible, I think it's something very important that needs to be added. Including removing the items that grant users special privileges.
  10. Ozzy47

    Welcome to vBDonate closed beta testing

    IcEWoLF GoodApples Freekoid Valcav Mokonzi bszopi First off I would like to thank those of you who choose to be a part of the closed beta testing. The Beta Product should show up in your Customer Area and be available for downloading. As of now the only payment processor it has is PayPal...
  11. Madhatterr

    Legacy User Title Style in Who's Online

    Currently if User Title Style Change is purchased, it shows up in VbShout and the Postbit, but not the Who's Online or VsA Advanced Statistics. Is there a way to make these areas show the purchased changes?
  12. 010081

    Question Lite to pro upgrade and some features please see..

    Well i'm planning to add Dbtech to my forums, previously i had post thanks hacks now disable as i upgraded my forums. i have few questions and I'm searching for following features.. Upgrade from lite to pro without any problems..? gonna try lite for few day before purchase..if i'm convinced...
  13. B

    Bug User Tag Statistics still showing even if disabled

    Even if you disable user tagging (thread tagging?) - it still shows up on the statistics page (which is just a load of blanks). (For anyone who wants to remove it before a fix - edit the "statistics.php" file in the actions folder :)
  14. W

    Bug Statistics Page Not Showing any Stats & Other problems

    Hello, I have a problem that was not mentioned in this forum yet to the best of my knowledge. I was trying the LITE version for a few days and now upgraded to Pro hoping that would alleviate it but its still occurring. What is happening is in the postbit legacy only the word "LIKE" is...
  15. Valcav

    Legacy Google Analytics

    Hi, this request may or is probably strange/weird... to have a kind of [add-on] for "Google Analytics" in it... (I'll explain later) but, 1) you mentioned "Google Analytics" in your first pm... 2) You could say that I would need to post it as a new mod request/idea... But because this is...
  16. Freekoid

    Question Analytics Dashboard Search doesnt go further back than Jan '12

    Is this by design?
  17. P

    Legacy Options to see overall forum and thread statistics

    Currently, forum and page details will only show individual forum and page statistics. Perhaps an option to see the combined statistics for all forums and all pages during the specified time period? For example, if you had a total of two forums that had 10 and 20 visits respectively for that...
  18. Alan_SP

    Legacy Information on number of subscribed users in front end

    I think that in the front end of every mailing list we should see how many user are subscribed, not only how many are unsubscribed. This could be controlled with Can view stats. If someone could view statistics, he could see how many users are subscribed.
  19. Valcav

    Portal page

    I didn't know where I should post this... In the thread "[Layout mod] All look same?", or in the other thread "[Custum Pages] Ability to have your own pages", or as a new request... it has to do a little bit of both threads, or should/could be done by one of those 2 threads... Like I told in 1...
  20. A

    Bug Thanks Recieved after import of Post Thanks is 0

    There is an unconfirmed report of this for the Lite version, but this is also affecting the Premium version. When checking the db table for the Dragonbyte mod I can see the thanks is imported based on who gave it, but the recieved ID is blank. Is there a way of correcting this? The Post Thanks...