
  1. Sunka

    Bug Database error in AdminCP

    Same problem discribed in this thread. When tried to install this MOD, when click in AdminCP to install MOD product xml file shows this vBulletin database error. I can not go back to AdminCP any more. I have tried disabling my modifications/plugins by editing includes/config.php but still same...
  2. R

    Question Leaderboard, and extras for pro version

    I have had this installed for a while and honestly just never read the actual specifics that came with the Pro version until now. I am curious as to how come I do not have the extra's that are listed in the mod description for the pro version see below list please as beside each one I will ask a...
  3. W

    Legacy Automatically Add Link to Automatically Created Threads

    After feeling that the native vbdownloads comments system was lacking in comparison to default vbulletin forum capabilities (we talked about it a few months ago in an older help request) I decided to stick with automatic thread creation. One problem I have noticed is that when the thread is...
  4. H

    Question Ranking activity

    My forum opens soon for all all tests are done plugins installed few questions left. when i go to Ranking all 4 members have same ranking??? admin is most active? but why is al the same? thx
  5. ZeroHour

    vB Optimise Pro compile time stats

    Hi Just wondering if there were any examples of compile time (using the debugger numbers) to show how much vB Optimise Pro improves things on a default install? Guest cache viewing page compile stats too would be very useful. I am curios about the product but I would like some numbers on a...
  6. T

    Bug Blank Pages in Admin & No Queries Saved

    I just upgraded from lite to pro and the following admin pages are blank with no error: I've added...
  7. Replicators

    Bug Mysql Error on installing of product

    When i tried installing the .xml i recieve a mysql error Database error in vBulletin 4.1.9: Invalid SQL: UPDATE sf_language SET title = title, phrasegroup_global = 'a:1425:{s:9:\"1_day_ago\";s:9:\"1 Day Ago\";s:10:\"1_hour_ago\";s:10:\"1 Hour Ago\";s:12:\"1_minute_ago\";s:12:\"1 Minute...
  8. M

    Legacy Statistics in forum whats going on

    Statistics in forum whats going on would be great feature. Download Statisics Downloads Available: 1234 Categories: 123 etc also i would like to be able to place the stats on custom areas so if i wanted to place say the total downloads like in the stats sidebox what code would i use...
  9. Alan_SP

    Statistics mod

    Ok, there's some potential, at least I see it. :) Strangely we don't have very elaborate statistics in vBulletin. Some things are improved with buying vBSEO (Gravity Insights are now bundled with vBSEO) and installing their free Live Google Analytics Stats. But nothing easily displays...
  10. clubcooee

    Legacy Secondary usergoup administrator

    Well, my problem is, that I have two supermods I gave secondary adminrights to change small things such as languages smilies and so on... As I have disable Administrators globally they will not show in activitystats. So what can I do to show these two? or is there hope in future there will be...
  11. R

    Question Statistics, Disable "Thanks"

    Hello I have this product installed. But only I use the following functions: Like - Dislikes I would like that in the statistics "Thanks / Like Statistics" not showing Top 5 Thanks Given - Received and in "Hottest Threads / Posts" not showing Hottest Threads - Thanks Is posible...
  12. the_quilter

    Question [All Versions] How to add stats to infopanels, like top shouters, top thanked...

    I was wondering how one would go about adding more info to the infopanel. Like where it says the forum statistics, add shouts. Forum Statistics: xxx Members, xxx Threads xxx Posts and xxx Shouts. I would also like to be able to add a line similar to User is our Top Poster with xxx posts but...
  13. karel1985

    Question public statistics - How to apply

    My question is easy :-) The admin panel info says if you want to have your stats here available in the Public Stats on the website, you should contact Deceptor. However, he's not been online since a very long time. What your advice? What is his absence has impact on the depevelopment of...
  14. M

    Legacy Feature requests & suggestions

    Dear Dylan, Thanks for solving my issues in this link below: as per your advise on that thread I'm writing here all the feature requests & suggestions 1. 2. Option to count the downloads...
  15. S

    Bug Thanks (Received) = zero after convert from Abe mod (thanksimport.php)

    I have same problem Thanks Given are imported Thanks Received = zero (not imported) (Thanks Received) is always zero even after rebuild statistics When a user gave me a new "thanks" then the count started from zero (Thanks Received=1) I think we need to update the file thanksimport.php
  16. O

    Question Issues with test install.

    I've installed this as a test and for some reason wound up with multiple copies of many of the files, (there may have been old import folders in the directory tree). Is there anyway to delete these en-masse rather than having to go into each file ? Also is there any mechanism by which I can...
  17. O

    Porting from Downloads II

    Hi I currently manage a site with about 1GB of files managed by Downloads II mod. We are having issues where some users are being denied access to files (despite their being no access restrictions) and as such they are not happy ! It seems that the downloads II mod is not well supported, if we...
  18. S

    Legacy Option to list only active buttons in stats

    Hello, In the hottest.php action file the defined buttons are listed without checking if they are set inactive: $templater = vB_Template::create('dbtech_thanks_statistics_statisticbit'); $templater->register('phrase', $vbphrase['dbtech_thanks_hottest_threads'] . ' - ' . $button['title'])...
  19. Force

    Question Button Click Anonymity

    where can I find this option Button Click Anonymity I have looked every where cant seem to find this
  20. H

    Bug Statistics - Usernames do not link to correct profile tab

    Statistics - Usernames do not link to correct profile tab You can see here @ DBT too. Click a username and it links to the wall, not the correct tag tab.