DragonBytes SEO new Product for 3.8.x compatible?

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DragonBytes SEO new Product 3.8.x compatible?


The lasts weeks I received your email announcing the DragonBytes SEO for Vbulletin.

I am looking for a supported Vbulletin SEO product and I want to know if the product that you are developing is 3.8.x complatible. If the answer is yes, I will wait you finish it to buy it.

Note: The Vbulletin version that really needs a a SEO product is the 3.8.X becouse 4.x already is more optimized that previus versions ( the most of the Vbseo customers are 3.8.x)

Best Regards!!
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We don't have a specific ETA at this time, sorry.

Our first priority is to make sure the core product works on as many vB4 forums as possible :)

I thought vB 4.X products did not need an SEO plugin (so everyone says), and that the biggest SEO weakness is for 3.X users. This seems to be true considering it has been the 3.8 forums that have been the most adversely effected by the shutdown of vBSEO.

So, from both a business and a technical perspective, it seems you should have made DBSEO for the 3.8 forums before the versions that claim to do SEO "out of the box".
I thought vB 4.X products did not need an SEO plugin (so everyone says), and that the biggest SEO weakness is for 3.X users. This seems to be true considering it has been the 3.8 forums that have been the most adversely effected by the shutdown of vBSEO.
While it's true that vB4 has better SEO out of the box, it's only vB5 that has "good enough" SEO out of the box.

Also, the vast majority of our customers are vB4 forums. DBSEO will be compatible with vB3 before it goes Gold, but during the Beta phase we're going to focus on vB4 in order to iron out the majority of issues :)
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