Bug "Linear - Newest First" order is still not working properly

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it's me again. ;) I just installed the newest version 2.0.10 on my test-environment, but the bug concering wrong redirects still exists when setting post-order to "Linear - Newest First".
On forum overview I click on the last updated thread of a forum to get to the last unread post (or on the double-arrow to jump to newest post, it doesn't matter), I'm still redirected to the last page of the thread instead to the first as it should be.

Do I have to do anything else than just installing the newest version to get it work?

Thanks and greetings
I am unable to replicate this issue. Please try clearing the cache via the DBSEO CP.
Hello Fillip H.,

I tried some settings, but can't get to a clear logical result.
- First I cleared the cache via "Maintenance -> Clear System Cache"
- The initial setting of my account was "Linear - newest first"
- Login
- Direct links to posts via the double arrow on the overview page worked as expected

- Then I changed the order of the posts to "Linear - oldest first"
- Clicked again on the same double arrow
- I was redirected to the top of the first page instead of the bottom of the last page
- Then I tried the double arrow of another thread - there it worked correctly
- So I tried a lot more other arrows and some worked but some didn't.

Could it be a caching problem? Is it possible to clear a users cache every time the setting is changed?

I hope you can reproduce my steps.
That would indeed be a cache issue - the cache is set to expire in 1 hour. I'll investigate the possibility of clearing the cache when that setting is changed :)
Hello guj,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Fixed.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!

unfortunately this issue still exists. We just installed latest version of dbseo 2.0.15 and ran into the same problems. Changing the order to "Linear - Newest first" seems to work fine now for links ending with "...-new-post.html" (used for last unread post), but not consistently for links ending with "...-post[id].html#post[id]" (used for absolutely last post of a thread).
The strange thing is, for some links it's working - for some it's not. Looks like the caching issue again? How does the cache work? Has every user his own cache? Or is it a global cache that may has problems with half of users uses "newest first" and half of it uses "oldest first" setting?

Each user has their own individual cache. If you flush the cache manually via the DBSEO CP, do the non-working ones start working again?

No other forum is experiencing this issue as far as we're aware.
I already flushed the cache by using the option "Clear System Cache" and I can still reproduce the issue on my own. It only occures to some threads not to all.
Could it be a problem that we host our forum on multiple (virtual) servers? How are user settings cached? Memcache? Session? Thank you for further investigations.
Additional info: I usually use Firefox. There I changed my setting to "Linear - Newest first". Now I opened the forum with Safari and there no single redirect works correctly. I always end up on the last page of a thread instead on the first. I'm logged in as the same user as in Firefox. I hope that helps to find a solution.
And one more hint: I am also using your Addon "vbOptimize" for additional memcaching. Could this combination be the devil? ;)
No, this mod does not use vBOptimise for its caching. I will look into this issue further as soon as I can, bearing in mind that I cannot reproduce this issue locally.
Hi Fillip H.,

thank you. Here is one more description I can constantly reproduce:

- Have an account with order set to "oldest first"
- Login
- Go to settings and change order to "newest first"
- Go to forum overview
- Click on double-arrow of a thread to jump to newest post
- Correctly redirected to top of first page
- Go back to settings and change order back to "oldest first"
- Go to forum overview
- Click on the same double-arrow as before
- Redirected still on top of first page of thread instead of last

Please feel free to contact me if you need further informations.

by investigating a bit on my own i found out that global $vbulletin variable in function isThreaded() (class_core.php l. 4078) is NULL for me. Maybe that is causing the problem because the user setting of threadedMode is not accessable at this time. Whyever. :)

I hope that leads to a solution finally.

by investigating a bit on my own i found out that global $vbulletin variable in function isThreaded() (class_core.php l. 4078) is NULL for me.
It is not null for me. Please try disabling all other modifications, leaving only DBSEO running, then try it again.

If it's still null, please provide the step-by-step instructions for how to replicate the NULL value, as I cannot replicate it using the steps in your previous post.
Hello guj,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Cannot Reproduce.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
Hi Fillip H.,

this Ticket is still reproducable - even in this forum:

- Click on the post number at the top right of this post
- You jump to this post - correct!
- Copy the current url with the hashtag and post number to clipboard
- Go to your general settings and change "Thread Display Mode" to "Linear Newest First" and save the settings
- Open copied url and you won't jump to this post - wrong!

The hashtag with the post number does not work, if the post is not available on the page that is also mentioned in url.
Solution: Post number in url should "win" against page number and redirect to the correct page.

Can you reproduce my description?

That is not a bug. Please use the permalinks found when copying the url of the post number, e.g. #17 here: https://i.imgur.com/NLBLY9n.png in order to produce a link that will work irrespective of per-page settings or display mode settings.
I meant that url. E.g. "Linear - Newest First" order is still not working properly
This url does not jump to post #17, if order of posts is changed.
Yes, it does. The reason why it's not working for you is this:

- Copy the current url with the hashtag and post number to clipboard

By doing this, you are copying the URL that's exclusive to your per-page and post order settings. If you omit that step, and instead re-try it with this url: "Linear - Newest First" order is still not working properly after changing the settings, you will see it's working :)
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