Bug (wrong) Text in the ACP.?.?.?

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It's not really a big bug or something,
but wanted to let you know this anyway ;)

In the ACP:
Dragonbyte-Tech: Gallery - General Options
-> Gallery URL Path
The path to the main dbtgallery.php file. This can be blank if run from inside your forum directory but most be filled out if run outside of the forum directory. Must include the trailing slash.

Shouldn't it be more like this:
The path to the main dbtgallery.php file. This can be blank if run from inside your forum directory, but must be filled in if run outside of the forum directory. Must include the trailing slash.

(don't know if that , should be before or after "but")
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and to add a question to it:
about that same part,

you give an example "http://www.yoursite.com/gallery/" to fill in there, but can "gallery/" also be used (when gallery folder in site folder)? (or "./gallery/" (when gallery folder is in 1 folder up)
Sorry, I fixed the text on that.
The field needs to contain the url if you are outside of the forum directory. It can't be the path because we're talking about building the URL to use, not the path to the files. So you might have /usr/username/public_html/forums and you want to run the gallery in /usr/username/public_html/gallery, I have no way to know what the base url for the gallery is. That folder could either be www.site.com/gallery or it could be used as a subdomain gallery.site.com. It's kind of like the Forum URL field. But of course, if you are running the gallery inside the forum directory, you don't need to fill it out at all :)
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Legacy DragonByte Gallery

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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