Legacy Usergroups

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New member
Hey there,

First off I have no idea what Feature Request means but the other two was bug and how to do something, but anyways this is a suggestion.

It would be great if this could only be available for specified usergroups. I would love this mod but I don't want it available for all members. Just want it to be seen by admins and maybe mods.

So it would be great if there was an option to choose which usergroups can see this.

Thanks, :)
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The blocks on the Top X Stats has it, but the Welcome Panel doesn't.

We'll take it into consideration for future versions :)
Okay thank you! Appreciate it. :)

---------- Post added 26th February 2012 at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was 6th December 2011 at 00:17 ----------

Hi there,

Sorry for asking but I Was wondering if this was added. Under the InfoPanels page, it said that the release date was jan 20 2012 (Which I guess is the date for the latest version). I couldn't find the usergroup thing under the description.

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