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New member
Please find below my translation of User Spotlight 1.6.3


Due to some hardcoded phrases, i have been forced to include entire product in archive.

Installation instructions :

Go to your AdminCP -> Products & plugins -> Import Products. That's all.


Instructions d'installation :

Rendez-vous dans votre AdminCP -> Produits & Modules -> Importer un produit. C'est tout.

Translation will keep up to date amap


I didn't realize anything was hardcoded. I'll go through it and release another version after I move anything left in there to phrases.
Hello Dylan, actually, settings phrases are hardcoded (translated phrases):

<setting varname="dbtech_spotlight_location" displayorder="10">
                1|Sous la Navbar
                2|Sous les utilisateurs actifs
                                3|Bloc latéral

            <setting varname="dbtech_spotlight_runtime" displayorder="15">
                1|Par heure
                2|Par jour
                3|Par semaine</optioncode>

            <setting varname="dbtech_spotlight_img_type" displayorder="18">
                1|Avatar seulement
                2|Image de profil seulement
                3|Avatar/Image de profil - Image seulement
                4|Avatar/Image de profil - Image non requise
                5|Image de profil/Avatar - Image seulement
                6|Avatar/Image de profil - Image Non requise</optioncode>
Sorry if i didn't translate only phrases for this product, but i didn't see how to proceed different :-(
Hello Dylan, actually, settings phrases are hardcoded (translated phrases):

Sorry if i didn't translate only phrases for this product, but i didn't see how to proceed different :-(

Ah okay, didn't think about the settings phrases. I'll translate those on the next release.
Just imported the french product but it overrides the English version. My site is both English and French, so please provide the language pack, not a french product.
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