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Please provide more information regarding Tynt, I have never heard of this.

Copy/paste features don't seem like SEO features to me?
.... .was thinking the same thing...

"How is a copy-and-paste feature directly related to SEO"?

You can find loads of information at : Tynt

What Tynt Does: In short Tynt adds a link to content copy and pasted from your site, this obviously helps your SEO and also provides a decent link for more visitors.Tynt inserts the page URL when your content is pasted into emails and social sites. Your traffic increases and SEO improves as more URLs become fixed links.

More Info here : Tynt - Leverage the benefit of copy/paste on your forum - Forum , [Mod-Mall] Tynt - Add link to copy/pasted content (for SEO) - Forum
A problem with this script is that it's not HTTPS compatible. DBSEO is already running on multiple HTTPS-only sites, and we have to think twice when adding features that are not compatible with HTTPS.

I'll have Cosmic take a look at this and give me his thoughts :)
The feature itself is a handy one, but there are a couple of issues as Fillip H. said. The first one is the https issue, which i'm not certain could be resolved. The second is that sites which copy paste content (especially ones that wouldn't copy edit the content and remove the links anyway) tend to be low ranked and/or have various spam markers by google, and links from those sites can be harmful to SEO, rather than helpful.

Disavowing them as nofollow and still getting the benefit of people seeing your link who visit those sites would be helpful, but it's not exactly and SEO function. We'll keep it as a maybe, and see if we can offer some of the same functionality on an optional basis as this mod does. The lack of https support in the mod itself means we probably won't integrate with it directly.
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