Question Thread title - Forum Name

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Just a question on indexed content:

Prior to DBSEO Google displayed Thread name - Forum Name where "Forum Name" was the text entered into: Site Name / URL / Contact Details==>Forum Name. Currently, Google is displaying Thread Name - mysite

Any idea where Google is picking that up from?
That's the odd thing. Previously the forum name was appended automatically to the thread name inside the <title> tags but I don't see the "mysite" bit added by Google when I view page source on recently indexed content.

I just see: <title>Man surprised at performance of wellies in puddle</title>
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Right, but having your site name in the title can be bad for SEO. It can be seen as keyword spamming, the meta keywords and meta descriptions handle actually inserting relevant keywords into the search engine results.
Okay, makes sense. So, going at this from the reverse angle, how can I get rid of "mysite" from the thread title? :) Is that being inserted by VB or DBSEO?
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Sorry for not getting back sooner. I continued to look into this and neither the SHOWTHREAD nor the FORUMDISPLAY template contains anything that would call my site name and place it into the <title> tag.

I was able to get my forum name to display in the browser tab by adding the phrase in red:

{vb:stylevar htmldoctype}
<html xmlns=""<vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablefacebookconnect']"> xmlns:fb=""</vb:if> dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}" id="vbulletin_html">
	{vb:raw headinclude}
	<vb:if condition="$threadinfo['keywords']"><meta name="keywords" content="{vb:raw threadinfo.keywords}" /></vb:if>
	<meta name="description" content="{vb:raw thread.meta_description}" />

         <title>{vb:raw thread.prefix_plain_html} {vb:raw thread.title}<vb:if condition="$pagenumber > '1'"> - {vb:rawphrase page_x, {vb:raw pagenumber}}</vb:if>[COLOR="#FF0000"] | {vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}[/COLOR]</title>

Obviously I did the same for FORUMDISPLAY. The result, when hovering over a browser tab is now:

thread title | my forum name

However, I noticed that a recently indexed link showed as follows: thread title | my forum name - mysite

The part in red is what I'm trying to remove but as I say, I have no idea what is placing it there.
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DBSEO doesn’t modify the title tag in that way so I can’t say I know why it’s happening, sorry :(
Hello xenigma,

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If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

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