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Well, they finally figured out that stealing is broken. A few observant people have gone absolutely batshit insane stealing and other than laughing and joining in there was not much more that could be done other than shutting it off or asking them nicely to stop.

Here's the issues - and yes I know you've heard these before, I'm just throwing this out as a bump to the collective noggin.

1) Users can steal millions of dollars even if they themselves only have a few bucks. Stealing amounts should be based on the thief's money total, not the victim's.
2) Bonuses to stealing, whether the percentage stolen or the chance to steal, can be purchased several times and gets easier as they do steal. the more they steal the more upgrades they can buy and the more they can then steal from someone else. Items need to be limited to a specific amount of purchases.
3) People should be able to buy more protection than full immunity. Like a Guard Dog or Armed Escort. These things would limit the amount able to be stolen from them, or the chances that they could be stolen from.
4) Notifications are a necessity. However, a thousand of them is a little much. Is there a way to make 1 notification that says, "Mr. Thief tried to steal from you X times! and was successful X times!"?

There's more, but I have to wait to articulate.
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Excellent post :D

I agree on the guard dog or armoured guard, cool idea for item shop.

Shall do some more testing. thanks
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