If you enable the IMG BBCode then yeah, though it's not really recommended for obvious reasons :)
Can the max dimensions be set to resize images in chat? I'm already using the MGC chatbox and my members would mutiny if they couldn't post pics.

Is there an import tool to keep members numbers of chats if I went with vbshout?

Another question...is there a full page chat option?
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Can the max dimensions be set to resize images in chat? I'm already using the MGC chatbox and my members would mutiny if they couldn't post pics.
No, we don't provide any support for posting images in the shoutbox currently.

Is there an import tool to keep members numbers of chats if I went with vbshout?
Not from MGC no, though we could investigate the possibility of creating one.

Another question...is there a full page chat option?
In the Pro version yeah :)