Bug Root Directory and /content/ go to CMS homepage duplicating content to Google

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Weird one, on our site we can go to


And get the normal Homepage (CMS)

But we can also do:


Which again gets the same content.

To combat this at the moment we're using Cloudflare Page Rules to intercept /content/ and redirect it to /
However this isnt long term viable because it means when posting new content to our homepage using the standard VB4 CMS, it gets caught in that redirect rule which breaks it. We have to turn off the rule, post, then turn it back on.
Reason we can't just leave it is because duplicated content is bad SEO afaik.

We urgently need to know what the solution is please, were using the latest dbseo (1.0.2) and we have no custom redirects around content.php.

We have force forum directory index as yes and no and it hasn't changed anything.

Much appreciated.
If you right click the non-/content/ page and View Source, is the canonical URL HTML tag set?

If so, there's no duplicate content issue :)
If you right click the non-/content/ page and View Source, is the canonical URL HTML tag set?

If so, there's no duplicate content issue :)

On the /content we see:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://site.com/content/" /

and on / we see nothing.

Is that as expected?

I've turned the page rules off for now so if you see this and it's not redirecting still, could you give your expert view please? Site URL is in the private hidden information.

Much appreciated :)
I've discovered an issue with stripping /forum.php that will be fixed in the next release. It won't redirect, but it should stop any existing URLs that are currently rewritten from having /forum.php appended.
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