Question Redirect old URL without ID

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Hi there

We change from vbSEO to dbseo in December 2014 and are very happy with that. Yesterday I updated the plugin from version 1.4.1 to 1.4.8.

Before we had the Forum URLs without ID. Thanks to dbseo we have since December also the id in the URL and that's perfect. BUT until plugin version 1.4.1 we had an automatic redirect form the old URL without ID to the new URL with ID. Now since 1.4.8 we get an HTTP 404 with the old URL without the ID.

Is the a function I can activate to enable again this automatic redirect?

thank you and regards,
Nothing has changed between v1.4.1 and v1.4.8 that should affect those redirects as far as I'm aware. Could you try changing the URL formats back to their old format, then back to the new, and see if that works for you?

What I did now: Go to DragonByte Tech: SEO Admin Control Panel -> URL Rewrite Settings -> Forum URLs -> Forum URls
change here to my last one (forum title)
flush vboptimise Cache
select again forum with id URL and save

Now it works again with the old URLs...

Thank you very much

Excellent, glad to hear that :)

If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to start a new support ticket.
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