It seems that I am having some trouble between with my iTrader plugin and the DBSeo Pro. The SEO seem to be in good working order. iTrader always seem to get an error and will not function correctly. The hosting company that I am using has suggested that if the there is a possible conflict if the xml file was imported from vBseo and used with DBSeo the same error can occur. Since I had you install the plugin can you verify if the xml file was imported or not. Also are there any known issues between these plugins?
It seems that I am having some trouble between with my iTrader plugin and the DBSeo Pro. The SEO seem to be in good working order. iTrader always seem to get an error and will not function correctly. The hosting company that I am using has suggested that if the there is a possible conflict if the xml file was imported from vBseo and used with DBSeo the same error can occur. Since I had you install the plugin can you verify if the xml file was imported or not. Also are there any known issues between these plugins?