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Feature request;
It would be nice to notify ALL who comment on a pic in the gallery. For instance, I comment on your photo with a question. You then comment by answering that question but I am not notified that you have commented.

This brings up another feature which in my opinion can be classed as a bug and if you agree I don't mind making another thread labelled as a bug just say the word. :)
When you comment on your own photo you get a PM notifying of a new comment. This to me is a bug because you don't need notification of your own comment. ;)
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Thanks for catching the bug. I fixed it for the next release. If you want to fix it on your site manually for now
Open dbtech/gallery/actions/ajax.php

On about line 367 find
            if ($profile_info_array['info']['prof_notif_comm'] != 'no')
                DBTECH_GALLERY::notify_user($to_user, $gal, $vbulletin->GPC['type'], $vbulletin->GPC['id']);

and replace with

            if (($profile_info_array['info']['prof_notif_comm'] != 'no') && ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] != $to_user))
                DBTECH_GALLERY::notify_user($to_user, $gal, $vbulletin->GPC['type'], $vbulletin->GPC['id']);

As far as the request, it makes sense. I'll probably also add a checkbox that's defaulted to selected to be notified on new comments, so people don't have to get comments on certain images if they don't want
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