Legacy Maybe A New Feature?

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New member
I like this Shoutbox, but Inferno is better in my opinion.
I don't know if this feature is in the Pro version, but if it is my bad heheh.

When you Prune, Silence, and Ban it should be like Inferno were it says
"Schizoe has pruned the shoutbox" That's just something I like about Inferno that I think is not in this shoutbox.

Also if you guys do add this feature, there should be something in the admin cp
were you can edit the output like:
"Schizoe has farted in the shoutbox" when you prune it :D

Another thing, there should be an option to make the smiles open in a new page or just show up in the same page


Thanks for reading <3
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When you Prune, Silence, and Ban it should be like Inferno were it says
"Schizoe has pruned the shoutbox" That's just something I like about Inferno that I think is not in this shoutbox.

Also if you guys do add this feature, there should be something in the admin cp
were you can edit the output like:
"Schizoe has farted in the shoutbox" when you prune it :D
We opted against doing that because for the majority of forums it would be a privacy concern, we shouldn't force moderators to expose their actions.

We may add it as an option for a future version though :)

Another thing, there should be an option to make the smiles open in a new page or just show up in the same page
It's unlikely this will change, the old system didn't show as many smilies as some forums had added and we've received nothing but positive feedback about the new system.
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