Bug Mailto links as a banner link doesn't work, manual ad images get broken

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Some of my advertisers will want as an option to have their banners send the user to their email using a mailto link, not a http link. I've tried doing this using the dbtech forum ad system, but it doesn't work and sends the users back to the homepage as it automatically generates a new window. The vBulletin forum ad system that's built in on its own can handle mailto links since it just uses HTML code.

Also, this product seems to override any ability to put in ads using the vbulletin ad system manually (happens on all skins including default). Specifically, if a manual ad is created, the image URL is broken giving you a broken image icon, with a bunch of code appended on to the image URL:


Was this intentional? If you need access, please PM me as my board is not yet open to the public so the forum is turned off.
Okay, for whatever reason, both of these just started working on manual threads. Maybe I had left off something in the code that I didn't notice before. Go ahead and close this thread. Still need mailto link to work in the product, I'll add that as a feature request.
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Legacy DragonByte Forum Ads

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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