Bug Error when form enabled in forum sideblock

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I get this error after with the form enabled in the forum sideblock after the latest update.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/block/dbtech_classifieds_listing_form.php on line 122
Ok, I've fixed that PHP error for the next update. Have you got categories enabled with permissions on who can and can't see them? That seems to suggest either all the categories can't be viewed by the user viewing them, or you don't have any active.

I want to check, in case there is another issue behind that bug. :)
I do have categories and they are active. The only usergroup I have set with no permission to view is the banned usergroup.
What about within each Category? Have you checked the usergroups that can see the category, or have you left them all unchecked?
I've got a fix together for v1.1.4, let me know how it works at fixing the error and whether you still have the Categories you expect available for the users.
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