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I'm still playing around with the mod and haven't fully implemented it yet. Today I decided to update from 1.1.0b3 to 1.1.6 and do some more configuring. I downloaded the mod and uploaded it to the server. Before uploading the xml file I thought I'd check the site just to make sure it was still working. It wasn't. I could see all the forums and the search.php page with new posts, but anytime I tried to view a thread I got a database error.

I'm sorry I didn't copy the error but I freaked out over that because the site was down. I then uploaded the version that I previously had, 1.1.0b3, and as soon as I did the site returned to normal.

I didn't have the mod enabled since I don't want anyone using it yet.
When you run the XML it installs the needed tables and changes to the database for it to run. If you run the upgrade/XML you should be fine. :)

PS, always do a backup of files before upgrading. :) I have lost count of how many times I've bodged something because I didn't have a backup... :D
Thanks for that.

I usually try things out on the test site first, but it was down and I'd never had an issue before. I know that's not a good reason for doing it but I didn't have anything else to do at the time and wanted to try it out.

I'll be sure to try it out on the test site first, no matter what. We do have backups but my tech guy is a few states over so it takes a little while before I can get him to fix things.
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