Custom Website Signature list


I was thinking to have a page with website signatures showing a list of custom signatures that people can use on other forums to advertise your website? Have it where you can create what you want to use as a image, information to display in the signature like website stats... Years ago I used to use one and my clan members used to use them on websites where you could advertise your clan and it used to draw a lot of people to our website... I think the one we used was called nukesigs it used dynamic content was really well set up that was about eight years ago am sure someone here can wipe something like that up!

---------- Post added at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:33 ----------

Here is an amazing example of one SWTOR Signature Generator Star Wars Sigs Creator TOR Forum Signatures - Enjin
Wow, that is pretty nifty .. maybe vBSignatures?!

@Fillip H.
It will be cool to have something like this for vBAvatars.
Let's say I wanted to write something on a Top / T-Shirt...or maybe place a Logo on the Top.