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I use alot of vB Products as you well know, One particular copyright caught my eye down the bottom of my website since it looks all out of places and uneven due to Donation System provided by vBDonate (Pro) - vBulletin Mods & Addons. Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd

We know its a donation system since the name is vBDonate (Pro) and we know who its provided by from Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.
Is it necessary to have the first part of the text?

Thanks :)
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Yes, that is pretty much standard with all our mods to word the copyright like that.
I'm talking about the part in front of the one addon (Vb Donate) , Donation System provided by <- vBShout,vBShop,vBCredits,vBArcade dont have this
I know that, Questions & Answers, Downloads and quite a few others do. ;)

Questions & Answers by vBAnswers v1.0.2 Beta 1 (Pro) - vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd. in cooperation with Tom's Hardware (Italy).

Downloads provided by vBDownloads v1.4.0 Beta 1 (Pro) - vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.

Follow Users provided by Follow User v1.1.1 - vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd. Runs best on HiVelocity Hosting

NavTabs provided by vBNavTabs (Pro for vB4.2) v1.2.0 - vBulletin Mods & Addons. Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.

You could get this product and it will consolidate the footer for you,
Interesting.. Is this a newly added part of the copyright or has it always been like that?
Also the allow_url_open i was asking you about the other night is to allow only single/chosen allowed urls instead of global on for security reasons. But im unable to find how to do this at the moment -_-
No it's always been like that. As for the allow_url_fopen Fillip H. may be able to shed some light on it.
I have never worked with a server that has a whitelist feature for allow_url_fopen, so my torch is all out of batteries I'm afraid :(
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