can be possible to limit who can thanks?

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i have been surfing on facebook, i and saw there are too many competiotion of the type "we will choose the winner who has the maximium likes on a photo"

for example...
you start a competition "the best funny picture"
you say "now..please everybody click on my post and mark i like it to win the competition!"

so the admin can choose the winner who has most thanks/likes on a post.

actually..this system works so good with dragonbyte thanks mod...but what about new users?
a user who wants to win, can create one..2..or more users to thanks his post...

is any way to limit who can thanks? for example..."able to thank/like if user has written more than 2 posts"

i think users love this kind of competitions with "thanks/likes", i see it on i think is a good idea to add a limit system to this mod :D
To do that, you can setup a Promotion in vBulletin and set that new users may not thanks, but users who have been added to your promoted usergroup can :)

i had the idea (instead of promote users to other group) to conservate the usergroup but change its usertitle depending of the number of posts the user has..
from 0 to 10 messages..."noob user"
from 11 to 20..."advanced"..

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