Legacy 2 suggestions, unregistered usergroup cant see likes also be able to undisike other..

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I could have sworn I already suggested this but I can't find it now....

Anyway could we have it that so that the likes thanks dislikes dont show for unregistered users as vbseo says it is not SEO friendly.

ATM I am having to hide them by editing each template with the conditional to hide from guests.

Another suggestion, certain members on my forum are going around disliking posts for no reason, can it be made so that Admin and Mods can un-dislike other users dislikes if a member was to notify us of unfair dislikes.

Thank you for your consideration.
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We'll look into a "can view" permission for a future verson :)

We might also add the admin undo feature, but considering a member can just re-click the button it may prove futile.

If your members take the Dislike button seriously, it might be advisable to disable it to prevent future drama, or rename it to something less "offensive" - I can't think of another word at the moment, but then again I'm not a native English speaker xD
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