
  1. M

    Bug Database Error

    Hi Mokonzi, I put this as a How Do I, because I was not sure if I have missed something I get the following database error when trying to view ITEM 27 ################################ Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.* FROM...
  2. S

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    Hi, i post all of it here http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f239/no-automatic-sitemap-generation-after-upgrade-1-0-4-a-14122/ and i reduce the number of items and test it (5000 and a day later 500) but no chance. Do you have any ideas?
  3. R

    Question canocial URL problems

    Sir, I am receiving the following errors from Bing webmaster tools after the vbseo-dbseo upgrade. Would you let me know how to solve it? Canonical tags can be used to help de-dupe URLs for pages with the same or very similar content. Bing has detected that your site is using what appears to be...
  4. F

    Bug Pull CDN does not work with vbulletin domain installed to a sub-folder

    When I enter the CDN domain for our domain, this plugin assumes that this is where vBulletin is installed. All URLs are re-written to use the domain as the vBulletin installation directory. I went back to try and change the URL, however it isn't possible to change it in the settings page. I...
  5. Mantis

    Legacy Ranks problem

    Unfortunately, I made a bit of a mistake buying this. It turns out the "lite" version did everything I wanted anyway. :( When I saw that you said that it supported ranks, I thought you meant something else rather than usergroups that's a bit primitive, so I bought it. I've migrated from MyBB, so...
  6. bzcomputers

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    After I upgraded to 1.0.4 the automatic sitemap generation has not worked. On Monday I installed the update. Ran it manually Monday night to confirm it would automatically pick up all my custom urls and all seemed to be fine. The only setting changes I made were to: 1) Set sitemap run time to...
  7. H

    Bug CDN returns wrong CSS style sheet after upgrade to 2.6 Gold

    After upgrading to the latest version the css style sheets are not being returned with the proper url. <!-- CSS Stylesheet --> <style type="text/css" id="vbulletin_css"> /** * vBulletin 3.8.8 Beta 2 CSS * Style: 'LSA 2014'; Style ID: 69 */ @import url("); </style> <link rel="stylesheet"...
  8. M

    Bug prefs

    the box that shows admin ip match has just disappeared :(
  9. S

    Question Turning on DBSEO and Site stops working

    Not sure where to start, It seems like every time I enable dbseo from cp my site crashes, pages cant be found- pretty much just falls apart Most recently I have disabled all of my plugins uninstalled and reinstalled DBseo Edited and reedited .htaccess file So here is what I have currently...
  10. neounix

    Bug Upgrade to 1.0.3 from older version now.. Cut and Paste Links Broken Again

    Hey! You fixed this problem (see prior posts on this), now after upgrading to 1.0.3 it is back again... (see attached image from our discussion forums).. When we cut and paste a link in the forums, we get these same problem (see attached). . One reference.. our old forum thread on this bug.
  11. R

    Question Buttons stopped working

    After upgrading to 3.2 the buttons fail to work. when you hover over them you see a javascript in the bottom left of firefox. I thought they had been working but due to symptoms from an apache memory limit I accidentally set in WHM was trying to reinstall vb and could not complete the...
  12. U

    Bug data base errors when users donate

    Hi i have been recieving these errors ever since last few days without knowing what went wrong, Can you guide me. When i manually add in donations for my users they are not able to automatically change usergroup. For the rest it seems okay. I just did an upgrade to the latest patch btw.
  13. E

    MMO - Skin For vBulletin v4.2.0

    Hello semans one of houer webteam have tried to use a nulled Version of your MMO Style. I have see it after he give me the source, and the rar was tacket like warez do. I like to buy it and like to ask what version it´s support im abel to upgrade to 4.2.2 ? And the "/content.php will work to...
  14. Q

    Question upgrade Dbseo

    Hello! I saw that today has been released a new version of Dbseo. What should I do to upgrade without losing settings? I have to save something before proceeding with the upgrade? Thank you!
  15. R

    Bug Error Code: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/...

    Hello my friends, Thank you for your continued support of this product. I have upgraded to the latest version (1.0.2) sorry I filled it out wrong above! - so I can now attach images! But, when I continue on to the next step - I get this error: "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for...
  16. Nirjonadda

    Bug Navigation Problem

    ChitChat vBulletin Skin, I have some issue with vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs , Navbar is broken. Also does not show Social Media Icons, Please can i get fix update about on this issue? With vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs: Without vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs: This issue conflict with vBNavTabs - Navbar...
  17. M

    Bug DBSEO Links not working since upgrade

    Hi Mokonzi, Fillip H., Since I upgraded to 1.0.2 the rewrites have stopped working for the listings pages. Viewing Listing: gibertini 1.25 meter dish and polar mount in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts It does not matter what I set it too (custom, option1-4), or even...
  18. N

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for IIS 7.x/8.x

    Hello Dragonbyte, Quick question regarding your SEO product, we're currently running vBSEO on our forum (quite a large one) and with the upgrade to 4.2.2 we're looking into switching to your SEO plugin in order to preserve all our current links from vBSEO. However, we currently run on IIS 7.x...
  19. A

    DBSEO is compatible with Litespeed Cache?

    Hello. Currently I have a forum vbulletin 4.1.12, running with vBSEO+Litespeed Cache. I want to upgrade to Vbulletin 4.2.2+DBSEO+Litespeed Cache. I wonder, DBSEO is compatible with Litespeed Cache? vB seo + litespeed cache | LiteSpeed Support Forums
  20. seventhaxis

    Question Arcade Not Saving High Scores

    I posted over on the vbulletin.org forums but figured it might be more beneficial to get help from the source. Currently considering purchasing the Pro version to this and other products, but I'm trying a few out (or will be soon) first. My only issue so far with the Arcade is that it's not...