
  1. GuiltyNL

    Bug Pro version installed, some questions

    Ok we have the pro version installed in our test configuration (5.1.0). But It seems that I don't see everything? 1) Mentions work. ;) 2) I'm unable to disable the PM for having a Mention or Quote etc., I've tried 'Hide Mention Alerts' and 'Disable Mention Emails' but I still keep receiving the...
  2. Replicators

    Question directs to

    Everything works fine now except my blog, it leads to a certain page that i don't want it to go, i just want it to go to blog.php. I set the custom rewrite rule as "'^blog.php$' => 'blog'", and it leads me to /blog/recent-entries/ and show a empty page stating "Page not found". I have cleared...
  3. dreamchrono

    Question Subforum acting as "External Link" rewritten

    Dear Sir, Using vBulletin 4.2.2, one of my sub-forum is acting as a link : ------------------------ Forum Link (Entering a URL here will cause anyone clicking the forum link to be redirected to that URL) ------------------------ This link is rewritten as a form "custom: f[forum_id]" When a...
  4. jluerken

    Bug Error when activating product

    Hi, when I activate the product I get the following error message: How can I fix this? Kind regards jluerken
  5. S

    Question Changing thread rewrite rules 301 old urls

    i want to change the thread urls which currently do not contain the forum names so that they do. Is there a way to do this simply within dbseo which would 301 any old urls to new ones? or do i need to make a 301 redirect file (basically this is not an option as ive over 1m urls indexed...
  6. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue with vbDownloads rewrites...

    The following is in reference to vBDownloads rewrites: 1) I've noticed that some download page url rewrites contain a "-a" while others don't. Why do half of my rewrites contain it and half don't? (I see this by looking at the .xml produced for the downloads) 2) Rewrites are currently not...
  7. C

    Question Just installed DBSEO what will this do to Google WMT?

    Just had DBSEO installed, I'm assuming the link structure has changed will this show errors for a while in google WMT? Is there anything else I should expect to see as a natural affect of adding this mod?
  8. K

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for vBulletin

    Hi, we are planning to purchase VBulletin V4.2.1. and considering a possibility of using Dragonbyte SEO. Can you possibly advise how to redirect VBulletin URL's to DragonByte SEO. Do you recommend using rewrite rule in htaccess or there is another way? We have a considerable number of...
  9. I

    Bug redirect-to/

    A member places a url in the forum but redirect to / do not work properly. Work not Look Classic Shell 4.0.4 - Pagina 2
  10. S

    Question Too many redirects

    Hi, i change today from vbseo to dbseo with import but i get a error with too mandy redirects in every posting or thread. i change my .htaccess from # Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning) # to disable mod_rewrite functions. # Please note: you still need to disable the hack in...
  11. O

    Question A few silly issues

    This may be a silly question to ask, but from the moment I installed the modification whenever I clicked on a board in my forum it would give a "404 - Category not found" error. I didn't change any setting, this happens from the moment I enable the modification. When I click threads I get "404 -...
  12. N

    Bug Old Attachment URL used in a few places (CMS + Specific Post Link)

    Just noticed a minor bug (is bug the right word?) in the latest DBSEO. It appears in a couple of places in the forum it forgets to 'rewrite' the url and exposes the old URL's. It's not a major issues as it does just redirect on the fly, but it's something VBSEO never did so perhaps it's worth...
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Thread Deleted with Delete Posts

    Find latest posts for user than Selected Posts for Delete, That Processing full thread deleted. please check and fix this issue urgently, our Moderators that way doing to delete all thread.
  14. C

    Question Importing Thanks from VBSEO

    As I was cleaning up old stuff from vb3, I started to delete vbseo (since I now have dbseo). Just after removing the product, it asked me about removing vbseo data from the database and I remembered that the Likes system I was using was vbseo. So I did not opt to remove the data from the...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Redirect warning

    Please can you add option for redirect warning/message Page ?
  16. N

    Bug Root Directory and /content/ go to CMS homepage duplicating content to Google

    Weird one, on our site we can go to And get the normal Homepage (CMS) But we can also do: Which again gets the same content. To combat this at the moment we're using Cloudflare Page Rules to intercept /content/ and redirect it to / However this...
  17. M

    Bug Force Forum Directory Index

    I have the setting "Force Forum Directory Index" set to yes, but it isn't taking forum.php or index.php off the URL. I tried switching it to no and back, but that didn't help. That part of the url was gone until I installed this product.
  18. M

    Question subdomain issue

    The tech I hired recently used this stuff prior and got it working for another client of his. He mentioned to me only thing different was the fact we prefer a sub domain on a forum. Can you please provide me the steps for this gentleman regarding subdomain etc please
  19. Nirjonadda

    Question Custom 404 Error Page

    How to Create Custom 404 Error Page? DBSEO have a Custom 404 Error Page php file?
  20. N

    Question Converting from vBSEO to DBSEO - Only one issue. Homepage not redirecting

    Hello Dragonbyte, Almost flawless installation and importing from vBSEO. However only one issue remains Currently we use for homepage (VB4-CMS) and for Forums /content and /forum work perfectly, however we can also now go to which shows the VB4 CMS...