
  1. F

    How to null ioncude encoded php script?

    Hello Can anyone provide the steps on how to null the ioncube encoded php script? Please Thanks
  2. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Activity mod and uptight no confused!

    I am not sure what is going on but tried the Activity with several themes and in the user activity under user profile Activity TAB the color for Activity Information is #F1F1F1 which isn't part of the theme at all! I haven't said anything before but seems its not been matching the theme for a...
  3. S

    My discounts not applying to AJAX live threads. Intentional?

    What title says.
  4. W

    Bug Two DownloadsII Import Issues (and other issues)

    Hi again! I just thought I'd share a couple things I came across while testing the import process on my test domain. First, when I import files from DownloadsII I find that all files that are just links to outside sources end up as failure errors, even though they appear to appear correctly and...
  5. A

    Question Last Post Link

    The link to last post is invalid. Kindly tell me how do i fix that. Please visit the link i posted. Thanks
  6. Force

    little addon I made

    Here is a little addon I made that removes that unknown location you get in the online members for this program should also work for the lite version
  7. F

    Question Payout Money

    Question: I am trying to use vbCredits II deluxe for "get paid per thread". Members are allowed to request for payout anytime they like. How do I create the payout transaction as "Admin" to send them real-life payment which will deduct the amount from their "vbCredits currency total" as well...
  8. N

    Alternitive Payment Methodes

    Since I just saw the Mail about the Ajax Thread Beta, I wanted to buy the Pro Version right away. But since there is only Paypal offered, I am now in a small problem. I can't use my Paypal atm. The reason I can't use my Paypal is very simple, since someone tried to abuse the Customer...
  9. G

    Question How can I make donator?

    In saw some site had an option that u can buy (donate) $1 Like this : Shop - GameKiller - Bringing The Pain To Each And Every Game and click on donator so may some one show me how do I do like that please?
  10. DxtGaming

    Bug Site is inaccessible

    While we past month we had to disable this mod because when cron action ( I think that it is the cause) were starting around 12:10 the site was inaccessible for everyone How could we fix it? We tried to disable "Activity Feed" but without success
  11. J

    Bug Serious database error after uninstall of mod

    After not getting much user involvement after install I disabled the mod, then uninstalled it. After a unusually long uninstall process I encountered a database error severe enough to cause my site to be completely unaccessable. I have the installation configured to email the particulars of...
  12. Trekkan

    Question Global Rankings

    Question on this. Does it affect the rankings and favorites and whatnot? After enabling this, I have two games that have been favorited 13 times each and they both say they have 21 ratings. I'm sure this isn't the case on my site, so I'm wondering if this is joined in a global setting or...
  13. Ozzy47

    Legacy Download Game

    Have the ability to have certain usergroups, (set in acp) have the ability to download games from the arcade, like you can from IPB arcade.
  14. D

    Paid Request: Fix Bug in vBDynamics

    OK so I am trying to get this one particular bug fixed in vBAdvanced vBDynamics. It's been there since the release of the new editor that killed most of my major 3rd party addons that have a directory out of vbulletin's default location. I know Brian is trying to fix the bugs that came out with...
  15. O

    Bug IE - Shouts are centered

    Hello, me again =) some users from my board say, that the shouts are centeres at internet explorer. I test it with IE8 and have the same problem. Any idea to fix it? Regards
  16. Vcize

    Do pro versions remove footer links?

    Are the footer links back to DBTech only for the free versions of the mods? Do the pro versions remove the footer links? I'm interested in buying the pro versions of several mods for several forums but there's no way I'm wasting 8 outbound links off of every page of my sites on a mod I'm...
  17. R

    Suggestion: DragonByte should consider working themselves into XenForo?

    I am actually thinking about switching forums... from vBulletin to Xenforo. I don't want to sound selfish but I was wondering what happened to all the Xenforo hype that I used to see in here. Are the mod creators planning to transition their mods into Xenforo? If I was the owner, I would...
  18. S

    Ok, it’s getting a lil crazy with all the copyrights at the bottom

    How about giving some of the members that have paid for multiple products a free branding key. I mean, I have like a bazillion products and I buy just about all of them that come out. Can I get a little bit of help with all this? :-P I mean your name is all over my forum anyways. “Powered...
  19. McGeek

    Upgrading from light to pro

    First off I want to say, I LOVE your mods... They are amazing :) Now I have a question I'm currently using a couple of the light mods, I am planing on buying the pro versions as soon as I get some money. Is it easy to just upgrade them or do I have to uninstall and re-install? I also hear that...
  20. S

    Testing out Forum-Slider services

    DBTECH doesn’t have these mods, and I didn’t want to harass them about working on some other mods so I bit the bullet and paid the $60 dollar (monthly subscription fee) for Dave’s services. Forum-Skins Notifications: Haven’t tried to install it yet. Look similar to vbnotifications but has...