
  1. R

    Bug Product Likes System plug-in fails to import

    I have the files uploaded but the plug-in starts to imports, gets thru several table modifications, then it just hangs. I have to stop it because the server overloads if I just let it contnue to hang there. I never get an error message. Also, I upgraded from vBSEO to dbSEO, everything is...
  2. ringnews24

    Question Forums Not working after install

    I installed DBSEO and followed the instructions in the notepad. If you click on anything on my forum you get errors. 404 Not Found 404 Not Found What do I do o fix this? Thanks Boxing Forum
  3. tio2013

    Bug Problem URL with DBTech seo

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) right now i disable the plug in so my forum work. I hope you can help? Thanks
  4. tio2013

    problem with DragonByte SEO

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) I hope you can help? Thanks
  5. T

    Question Too many vboptimise different folders / files.

    I have multiple folders throughout my directory related to vboptimise. I have the pro version. I'm wondering which files I can uninstall and which files I'm supposed to configure. memcache is ready to go on...
  6. M

    Bug Not displayed in postbit

    After upgrading from 1.0.5 - not displayed in postbit. After removal of the 1.0.5 and a new installation 1.1.0 - not displayed in postbit. re-activate Postbit Tabs and edit/save - not displayed in postbit.
  7. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Registration Timer

    Fillip H. I know you and Cosmic have internal policies with regards to mod updating and feature additions but I am asking, no, I am pleading that you add this feature STAT if it is possible and easy. For the last month I am having approximately 30 registrations per day from spam bots. Most of...
  8. S

    Question Missing templates

    Nevermind, got it all sorted!
  9. Nirjonadda

    Bug vBSEO Rewrite Rules

    vBSEO Rewrite Rules does not working on my site, Where member posted thread link it does not Redirect new URL . Its Redirect to Home Page, Please can you look into about on this issue. Old vBSEO URL /desi-picture/173166-a.html, Does not Redirect new URL /forum8/thread173166.html
  10. bzcomputers

    Bug Warning/Error when trying to install

    I'm getting this after import of the xml when trying to install 1.0.1pl1... Edit: Seems to be an issue with Datastore caching. If I turn off x-cache datastore caching the warnings appear to go away. ...I cycled the datastore cache off and on a couple times and for now the warnings are not...
  11. L

    Question Error when uploading XML

    All files appear to have uploaded properly. Getting the error below when importing the xml file
  12. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Database Error Upon Installing

    Initial installation started good but then I received a db error after several db tables were installed. Here is the error: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `vb3dbtech_classifieds_question_category` CHANGE `question_categoryid` `question_categoryid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT...
  13. C

    Question v3 Arcade game install question

    What exactly is the meaning of the above statement in the import games admin portion?
  14. V

    Bug notification

    Hello In the upper right corner when "notifications", those of reputation received, pressing takes no comments reputation, leading to index. Appear Occurs install "dbseo" or "post thank" please as I solve? I install two at a time, which is not guilty. thanks
  15. soaringpine

    Bug No default buttons showing up after install

    Hi guys, everything seems to be configured right but no buttons are showing up anywhere to like or thank posts, etc. I am using the default skin. I set the usergroup options but still nothing. What could I be missing??
  16. S

    Bug Problem with VBShout Pro

    Hello i just buy VBShout from here and i install it and it are showed on my forums but on admincp i can edit it or something check this image: Screen capture: 2013-12-21 16:49:49 PD: my normal users cant see the shoutbox, i can see it as admin.. thanks alot i hope i can fix this fast.
  17. T

    Bug shoutbox install help

    when i try to install the DBtech vBShout Pro v6.0.7 i always seem to get this error. Warning: Non-static method VBSHOUT_CACHE::init() should not be called statically in ..../dbtech/vbshout/hooks/global_start.php on line 26. can anyone help me?
  18. A

    Question howi i can slove this problem

    i am now using lite version u can check... not others....i need to know how i can delete the plugin when i click uninstall plugin server restart ... u can check i am use lite version thanks :(
  19. D

    Bug Install bug

    When installed- said that admin has no permission for that, and then a long error list like this part Fatal error: Field creditspermissions is not defined in $validfields in class vB_DataManager_Admin in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515 #0 vb_error_handler(256, Field creditspermissions...
  20. GoodApples

    Bug Database Error on Fresh Install

    I attempted a fresh install and got this error... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `package` (`productid`, `class`) VALUES ('dbtech_classifieds', 'DBTechClassifieds');; MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'DBTechClassifieds' for key 'class' Error Number ...