
  1. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Vbulletin 4.2.0 Top DB NavBar Gone

    Just wondering if anyone upgraded to the latest VBulletin... They added a Navigation Manager which is a new way to add custom links to the navigation menu location is under the AdminCP, Settings, Navigation Manager... Only thing missing is ability to add images and second navigation bar... The...
  2. Trekkan

    Question Bugs, Suggestions, Etc.

    Ok, I know you guys like these as separate threads, but creating 20 threads for a beta product list of issues/suggestions didn't seem to make sense (not to mention, I really just didn't want to make 20 threads). So... excuse the one thread please. =) In Admin CP When editing a signature style...
  3. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Video gaming oriented VBSignature addon pack?

    Hi there, I'd like to put in a request for a new addon pack for video gaming oriented communities. I'd like to see a World of Warcraft, Counter Strike: Global offensive & Diablo 3 pack released in the near future. :) Those are some that I'd definitely consider buying when they get released.
  4. KristerSwe

    [SUG][vBSig] User Font color

    If forum have alot of Bases with different colors i had like to see the user can select font color for that base he/She use.. Ex: Admin can turn on/off for user choice for font color Ex: If on user can select font color also Thx!
  5. Alan_SP

    I don't receive emails from you

    I already mentioned that I didn't received emails from you. First I didn't have setting to receive email from admins (I didn't this myself). Then, next week I spotted that I was unsubscribed from mailing list in vBMail. And now, third week in a row I didn't receive email, but I checked and I...
  6. Madhatterr

    Legacy Color Picker

    I'd like to request a rearrange of the way the shop is handled visually which would help reduce the overwhelming number of items when creating outfits/hairs etc with many different color options. Each option would still be an individual png in the system but there would be a base model shown to...
  7. T

    Editor Improvement

    Editor Improvement - Tabbed BBcode This may be completely impossible, but I was wondering if it was possible to add a tabs function to the editor. What I had envisioned was a button you clicked that gave you options like when creating tables - so you would be able to define the number of tabs...
  8. webrunner

    Bug Games available even though not in member group

    Hi :) I think i have found a small bug. I have set up the arcade to have several tabs for different usergroups. People who have f.i. a gold membership can reach a certain tab. But... when they leave this group (f.i. because their gold membership has expired) they can still play the games that...
  9. M

    Question How do I list quizzes under there category on the vbquiz homepage?

    We are doing a very structured series of quizzes that the forum admins are writing and which will be up indefinitely. They refer back to a series of tutorials done as Movable Type blogs in a different, non-VB section of the site. We would like to list the quizzes in their respective category on...
  10. Neo_Angelo

    Bug Possible bug when adding new catagory

    I get the following error when trying to add a catagory (please note its VERY long and i had to chop a lot of the code out) Fatal error: Field active is not defined in $validfields in class Avatars_DataManager_Category in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515 #0 vb_error_handler(256, Field...
  11. J

    Legacy How change Trophy Display Location in Postbit

    Hello admin, please I need your help. How Can I change "Trophy Display Location" from “Before Username” to “Below Post Count” like "Achievements Display Style" or "Awards Display Style" in Postbit. Thanks your for your help.
  12. Sarab


    Hello, I need a gallery mod for my forum, and I read while ago that it's in to do list, so I was wondering if you are working in it as one of the secrete projects or you have estimate date for it. Because I was intending to buy post-gallery until I knew it's in to do list, cuz I love your mods...
  13. EasyEasy

    Bug Cooment box length

    Hi. Great update. Im having an issue with the comment bar ion the forum post. I have a modification to my skin which shows a xbox avatar. Is it possible to make the comment bar smaller. Picture below
  14. Freekoid

    Question Analytics Dashboard Search doesnt go further back than Jan '12

    Is this by design?
  15. S

    Suggest Blog enhancement hack

    The VB Blog is so lame. I think there is a market for a Blog enhancement hack: Making blog layout modular; better Blog design (template, color, the use of widget...); creating sub page for Blog (akin to a mini web page)....
  16. San

    Question slider on vbadvanced

    How do I place, slider on vbadvanced.
  17. Freekoid

    Bug Thread rating element isnt defined to first post of thread.

    I notice that the thread rating element is shown once again if the thread starter happens to post on a second page of a thread. Is this by design? Example:
  18. W

    Slider and NavTabs questions

    Hey all, long time customer, even longer time forum poster. As usual, right when I am scouring the net to find solutions for new things for my site, dbTech has already solved them for me. I've got just a couple questions before I go buy lifetime purchases for the slider and navtabs. 1- vbSlider...
  19. H

    Ways to grow a forum

    I work at a web design company that manages its clients' corporate social media. This is a mini handbook of what I have learned are the most neglected activities that can aid a forum like this to grow its users. I am not trying to tell anybody how to run their forum ;) just sharing my work...
  20. Valcav

    Legacy Thread rating border radius "Option"

    In the thread Thread rating border radius .. (in the Design forum), & Which actually sounds like a great idea... I thought by myself, maybe we should post this as a Feature Request... (because it could be overlooked in the design forum?.?.?.) So: Feature Request = an option to make the...