
  1. A

    Question Cdn

    Looking at going to a CDN for images. (MaxCDN) Does anyone have any data to show how big of an improvement this would give? Also would I just enter the info into vbOptimize or do I need to change some variables for clientscript, images, avatars, attachments, etc?
  2. CharlieDelta

    Bug Dynamic Navigation

    When I set Dynamic Navigation to 'yes' it is creating a blank tab. Now I am not sure if it is a bug itself or just no playing nice with vBNavTabs - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons .
  3. K

    Bug Remove Rating?

    I just had a member tell me that they would love to be able to TAKE A RATING back to zero.....they rate something a 5 and then they change their mind....they can only take it to a there a way to take it to ZERO? Or is this something we have to wait for in an update? Thanks for all you...
  4. K

    Bug Making extra words????

    Another problem I'm having that just showed up is KEYWODS.... I gave one of my advertisers 6 Free Keywords...he went in and set them was working great till today.... Here is a quoted collection of words the way it posted just today: {quote] Charles, I print with Qimage and never use...
  5. K

    Question Managing Criteria???

    I am here on the Doc: DragonByte Tech Documentation Under vBActivity Configuration/Managing Criteria Forgive me for being stupid????? But this totally does not make any since to me? I've had this MOD now for some time....and today I blocked off the day....took off work.....and I'm committed...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Who Downloaded Tab

    Hello Can you add option Who Downloaded Tab by adding a Tab in member info page to list all attachments downloaded by the member.Add This Options "Option based on Post Count" Permissions Based on Post Count...Post count user must have before can Upload and Download Attachments. Option 1.Who...
  7. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Download Log (for Attachments)

    The purpose of this is to allow you to track what attachments get downloaded- All attachment downloads can be logged although by default the mod is configured not to track image attachments. Thumbnails are always ignored. On each attachment download the following are logged: Username of...
  8. M

    Image hosting addon

    Simple one click upload gives u a direct link for Image would be great if was possible to add to sidebar or had it own tab. Usergroup permission images stored on file system. I know we have attachments but they don't work with sliders etc and because the images are not hosted on the server...
  9. Taurus

    Bug Database error trying to upgrade.

    Attempting to upgrade to latest version gave me this. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO vbdbtech_trating_ratings ( userid, threadid...
  10. mdelisle

    Legacy Automatically make OP threadmin

    Might be a bad translation on my part, but I thought there would be a setting to automatically assign threadmin permissions to the OP. The reason I thought this was because the marketing image of the product had the bullet point "Let Thread starter mod posts". Is there a setting I am missing...
  11. K

    Bug Branding free doesn't work + Avatars do not show

    My branding free license isn't working - I'm inputtting it exactly as shown in the readme file. Second off- my avatars are in the filesystem, not the the database, and they aren't showing in the inbox when the setting is on. It shows a blank box instead. Please get back to me ASAP so I can get...
  12. D

    Question Some simple Qfrom a newbee

    Some simple Q from a newbee Hi All, I just bought, installed and tested the lifetime PM AddOn. I hope this is the right forum to post my questions that I have about some minor issues. -1- I think the ACP pages "Private Message Statistics", "Private Message List" and "Latest PMs Sent" have...
  13. Rusty Ferguson

    Legacy Include Photo Uploads In Activity

    It doesn't appear you are calculating attachments in the points are activity. I would really like to see that added. It would tie in nicely with your gallery which I love by the way.
  14. Steris56

    Advanced Editor

    Wondering if the DB team could do anything like ...vBFoster - The Missing vBulletin Features ... i know this is for vb5 but perhaps you could do it for vb4 and vb5 here is what marco has for vb4...
  15. Force

    Question attachments in pms

    I click on the attachment in pms upload it then click done but it does not add it to the pm why am i doing something wrong or missing something
  16. Force

    Question pro version question

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Do you have a test site where I can check out the options in the pro version to see what it is like before I buy it. Would like to see this option to upload attachments in pm's that I don't see to have on this site
  17. Steris56

    Question Attachments

    Hey Ozzy i have a mod for quick reply so i dont have to go to advanced in the editor the mod is called ( [CKEditor] MARCO1 Advanced Quick Reply And Edit ) well in the quick reply it has the paperclip for the attachments when you click it it does nothing what has to happen is you have to go to...
  18. Taurus

    Bug Messages empty, and attachments not showing.

    Attachments are not showing to recipient members after I attached it. (There is also no option to insert inline!) Messages are also completely empty. No text showing. Only way I can see what the member said is in the quick editor window. I will have to disable it for now. Sorry.
  19. Taurus

    Bug Attachments not working.

    Attempting to upload an image as an attachment just gives me this in the popup. Please advise. Thanks.
  20. C

    Question displaying rewrite images

    I have a custom rewrite that rewrites the image urls from facebook so that thumbnails display as full size images in postbits. The problem I have is that in the slideshow on forumhome they are reverting to their normal thumbnails. You can see here: Detroit Coral Farm Update -, The images are...