
  1. C

    Bug wrong text in slide caption

    For some reason, some of the slides have the wrong caption. I'm not sure where the content is from that they are pulling. Although I am not 100% sure, it appears the slides that do not have a picture (using the default slide) are pulling the wrong content. (Note the link I provided in the...
  2. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Moderation Auto PM

    Hello Please can you add option Moderation Auto PM? If yes So i can buy PRO Version. Moderation Auto-PM It has support for the following types of moderation: Thread Edit Title (Inline Moderation) Thread Ajax Open/Close (Inline Moderation) Thread Ajax Delete (Inline Moderation)...
  3. S

    Question Different download values

    Hello Apologize if this thread already exists somewhere but I was unable to find it. Our forum focus on files uploads/downloads but certain files only and with different values. I would like to know if possible to have different values for downloads. I mean, files A costs 100 credits to...
  4. S

    Legacy Attachment Thanks

    I figured out how to make it to where you have to thank to see the attachment based on another post, My question is how do i make it to where that box is checked by default when making a new post instead of having to remember to check it each time? Any help is greatly appreciated Regards Sky
  5. B

    Question Problem with sidebar block

    Have some problem with custom styles - tf_ideal and seamuslight banner (sidebar block form for vbanswers). will attach Pictures ...hope some help to fix those blocks ... regards bosss
  6. F

    Legacy Hide the credit list and/or whole credit page

    On the credit page, is there a way I can hide the pulldowns that allow for selecting currency and for activities? I only use one currency and a couple of the actions. I've deactivated most of the activities on the Activities Amount Configuration page, but they're still visible in the pulldown...
  7. Alan_SP

    Legacy Additional explanation what each option of threadmin actually does

    This is a feature request from here: Talking about that, is it possible that you make titles of options (Edit Posts | Delete Posts | Open/Close | Edit Threads | Manage Threads | Moderate Posts |...
  8. M

    Question Your help integrating another modification

    Hi again :), I am integrating itraders into this modification and just wondered if someone could help me with a small plugin Have a look how far I have got so far: For Sale. RGH Halo4 Slim You can see the classifieds feedback just above the attachments :) This is only visible in the...
  9. M

    Legacy Upload images in the top right hand side.

    Adding images to the top right hand section of the addon. 1) Basically I would like the image to be uploaded (via file system). 2) Have a maximum amount set in the admincp. 3) Uploading also has a thumbnail. 4) This will be aligned right top (maybe float) 5) when a user presses it opens up the...
  10. blinkster

    Need a little help

    Trying to create or find a forum block simply says the total number of downloads to date. In ACP on the left click attachments then attachments statistics, on that page it says Total Downloads xxxxxx Is there a simply code for a side block that can use this information which is already...
  11. blinkster

    Few ideas for possible new mods.

    I was thinking about your profile hover and how it could be adopted or used for other things within the forum. Idea 1: For example hover over thread title and it shows you the contents inside (free users shows same as default hover only DBtech sexy touch) and (Paid users it shows full contents...
  12. Ozzy47

    Legacy Content Type Addition - Attachments

    Content Type Addition - Attachments, I dunno how feasible it is but we shall see.
  13. SteveRobWhatever

    Question How can guest view the slider?

    I have edited permissions so guests can download attachments in the forums I am pulling images from. Guests still can't see the slider. What am I doing wrong?
  14. blinkster

    Legacy New Feature For DBTech Thanks

    May i suggest the consideration for future upgrade of the thank you mod to add the ability of per-usergroup hiding/un-hiding of attachments as an extra option. Dearly like site supporters not to have to click thank to see attachments but still see the thank you button for those still wishing to...
  15. blinkster

    New Feature For DBTech Thanks

    May i suggest the consideration for future upgrade of the thank you mod to add the ability of per-usergroup hiding/un-hiding of attachments as an extra option. Dearly like site supporters not to have to click thank to see attachments but still see the thank you button for those still wishing to...
  16. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Optimises Option

    Hello Please can you try to add more Features for vB Optimise Professional Version? Add Simplify if possible. Features: CSS Optimiser (Inline Small CSS) Javascript Optimiser ( Defer parsing of JavaScript and Minify JavaScript) HTML Optimiser ( Minify HTML) Attachment Optimiser Combine images...
  17. blinkster

    Question How To For Blind People

    Think i am blind or having a blonde moment or both BUT how can i or do make one or more usergroup not have to click thanks to get attachment but keeping the button there if they choose too. Fiddled around with the settings and just not seeing it.
  18. Nirjonadda

    Question Problem on Slider Settings

    Hello Problem on Slider Settings , when i set to Only use the first image inside IMG tags if there is no attachment or Always use the first image inside IMG tags even if there are attachments,My site not work and get blank page on index, where the Option DragonByte Tech: vBSlider – CMS...
  19. S

    Question Hide doesnt work?

    I installed Advanced post thanks like,and when i go to a post nothing is hidden,Am i doing something wrong? Default Button: Content If yes, clicking this button will be required to see content between [HIDE] tags when making a post from Quick Reply. <-- Set to yes.
  20. D

    Attachments Gallery

    A Gallery (widget for CMS, Block for vbadvanced, Forum-Sidebar-Block) for the last x Attachments from the forum (not gallery!) If the attachment is clicked, it brings you direct to the posting. possible settings in the ACP: 1. Layout: - horizontal - vertical - table 2. Number of attachments 3...