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i currently use an external mailinglist-tool seperated from the forums.

to make thinks easier for the users, i am interested in vbMail.

But: I also want people to subscribe, that are not registered in forums (and they will not do it, just because of the mailinglists)

So, can unregsistered people just add their eMailAdress and receive the newsletter (OPT-IN and OPT-OUT would be nice).

Pro-Feature says: "Ability to create External mailing lists, powered by emails not found in vBulletin user accounts"
Perhaps, thats exactly what i want :) - but i want to be sure :)

Thanks and Greets,
Currently there's no front-end management interface for external mailing lists. In other words, there's no area for users to add their email addresses. It's something we're going to add to a future version, but this is actually the first time anyone has requested such an interface :)

At the moment, admins have to manually add email addresses to external mailing lists, but once they are there users can unsubscribe just like they can with normal forum emails.

i read the announcement for vBMail v1.1.7:
Feature: (vB4) (Pro) Sign up to external mailing lists via a Forum Blocks widget

Is this the feature i asked for? (If sou: Thanks for adding it that fast :) ). Is there a Demo of the wifget (or Sreenshot), so i can see how it works/looks?
Can non-registererd members also add their subscription to a list via vbmail.php ?

Ignore the overflow, that's the default and 100% customisable title for the widget :)


I believe it places no restriction on unregistered users, so they should be able to sign up for those mailing lists too :)
Thank you.

Do i have to use the widget or can unregistered users add their adresses via vbmail.php ("Subscribe now!") (in the list of the mailionglists (like registered users do) ?
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