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For a while I been searching for some feature in downloads scripts, so I will list them here hope you like them and can implant them in vbdownloads =D:

Main features:
1- New Importing files: A feature to add the path of a folder in the server with the ftp account, than click import, then the system will scan the folder for all the files it contain and take the URLs only to add them normally as a files to any category I want. ( will be added as main download URL not as a mirror )
2- Those URLs will be changed to pseudo URLs that mask the real path of the files so no one can bypass vbdownloads to download them.
3- It will be great to have this kind of import in the front end panel because Users with some permission will be allowed to use it.

Minor features:
1- Users can add mirror to other user files by default, and can ban them if necessary. ( approval system will be great too )
2- Clicking in mirror link can be count in the download counter. ( separate counter for each mirror will be wonderful )
3- Replace the showing link with an image. ( like megaupload logo, mediafire..etc)
4- Users can create a new categories with approval from managers.
5- Integrate vBCredits II Deluxe with vbdownloads so some files can be downloaded only by points.
6- Can add costume widgets to the main page or categories.

Those I think all the features =)

Finally if you accepted those feature to add, when do you think we will see them in vbdownloads?

Best Regards,
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I been ignored :T.T: xD

Can you at least tell be a brief if that possible and will be done or not so I can look somewhere else for those feature or not =.=

I've marked the features as under consideration.

We can't give you any estimation on when/if they're likely to be in as we don't make those plans until shortly before beginning development on the next version of the software. We gather all feature requests, estimate how long each will take, then rank them on various criteria (how many people will use them, if it will add new functionality, if it's likely to increase sales etc etc). We then work out how long we will have in the development cycle, and make a list of features that rank highest while also being time-cost effective.
I've marked the features as under consideration.

We can't give you any estimation on when/if they're likely to be in as we don't make those plans until shortly before beginning development on the next version of the software. We gather all feature requests, estimate how long each will take, then rank them on various criteria (how many people will use them, if it will add new functionality, if it's likely to increase sales etc etc). We then work out how long we will have in the development cycle, and make a list of features that rank highest while also being time-cost effective.
Hello Cosmic, thank you for replying =D

I was thinking if I can pay for those feature to be added so that there will be shorting for time waiting and approval for them to be in, if yes how much will it cost?

It would probably be roughly 2 weeks total to add those features, at a rough estimate, which would cost approx $1,000.

A feature to add the path of a folder in the server with the ftp account
+1! A folder or the path to exact file on our server. Now I use vbdownloads for admin-moderators downloads mainly and this feature could make the mod more convenient for them.
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