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New member

It seems you're doing quality mods here, so first thanks for your work. :)

I am interested in vBDownloads PRO, but there are some extra features I need, keep in mind that the point is me wanting a more community friendly mod, what comes in mind right now


My budget 150 to 300USD
300 if you keep these change private
150 if you implement them to pro version

Looking forward to hear news from you. :)
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We have a form for submitting custom work requests here: Custom Work - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons

Please do be aware that the $35/hr rates listed there include us retaining the rights to the code, the cost is $70/hr if you wish to retain exclusive rights to the code. I checked the post edit history for the list you included in the original post, and I can tell you that your changes would definitely take more than 4 hours to implement.

Without making anything important public, I can also say that vBDownloads uses a +/- Reputation-like system - it doesn't feature image bars like vB reputation, but downloads with a negative reputation have their reputation value in red, neutral (no reputation) in grey and positive reputation in green. In short, that feature already exists in the Pro version :)

As for the rest of your feature list, without revealing any details:
No.1 would take approx 6 hours
No.2 would take approx 10 hours
No.4 would take approx 10 hours

In total, you're looking at a rough estimate of 26 hours. This translates into a total of $910 if we retain the rights, or $1,820 if you wish to retain the rights.

As I've stressed, these are very rough estimates, and do not necessarily represent the exact cost we would charge you for the features listed in your post pre-edit. It's extremely unlikely that we would be able to work with your current budget, however.

If you'd like to discuss it further, feel free to submit the form linked at the start of this post with the full details of what each of your requested features should do (the more details you provide, the more accurate our estimates will be) :)
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