Question Title forums with žćđš

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Boards that have the title šćžđ not to work if placed on "[forum_title] /" or "[forum_title]. Htmll"

Supaz works
Šupaž back to 404

If you choose "forum [forum_id] /" does everything but write forumxxx when clicked.
This is a test copy of the original forum on the same server.
Tried, turn off all modules except Seo, uninstallation of all modules except Seo, all combinations htacces etc. ..

new test copy of the "default" on the same server works all ok so the title gag with šđžćč letters.

Please help, I like the module but does not work the way I want.
I have FTP and admin account, I can send parameters to the PP if anyone wants to look.
I strongly recommend adding the ID to forum URLs (and all other URLs that are optional, like Members) to avoid compatibility issues like these. You can also try enabling UTF-8 if your forum is set up for this.

This is not a bug.
Please clarify
Think ID as a "forum [forum_id] /"?

Settings - TESTforum title.png

UTF-8 is enabled, everything else works, blog, members, articles, edit etc. ..
With the option "forum [forum_id] /" everything works ok, and forum title with šćčž ....

link is /
I wanted the link / forumtitle /

If the "[forum_title.html]" option is choosen than the forum works normaly without ŽĆČ letters. But with those letters included it drops back to the Home Page of the forum.

Freshly installed a forum on the same VPS server works exactly as I wanted, was chosen "[forum_title.html]" and a link to the forum is / đževrek-of-đumbira.html

NOS workštenja.html not work

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Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues.

The same applies to AdminCP accounts; they should ideally be temporary accounts created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorised user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the FTP account has access to the forum files, and that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it :D
Update: Rewrites are currently failing on your test forum because the "datastore" table cannot store the forum cache in a correct format. You may wish to ensure that this table and both its columns are utf8, and if so, use HTML Entities for the Polish characters instead of typing them outright.

This may also resolve the DBSEO issue, but currently I am unable to assist you with this issue.
Okay, thanks for your interest ..
I wiil not delete the User. It would mean to us a great deal if You would be able to help us if You have some time to spare.
I don't understand what you are referring to when you say you won't delete the user.

In either case, this is not something I will be able to assist you with, sorry :(
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