Bug Questions Per Page in Setup General Options

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There is a problem when we see the Current Entries and arrange them.

Within Dragonbyte-Tech: vBQuiz - General Options in the ACP, there is an option that is:
Questions Per Page
If "Questions Per Page" is seting the number 5 or less, then the function "Current Entries" works correctly and displays the option to choose which method we want to sort the list.
If "Questions Per Page" is a number greater than 5, then the function "Current Entries" works, but does not display the option to choose which method we want to sort the entries.

There is a way to correct this?
There is a way we can see more than 5 entries in the order screen?

Thank you very much :)
Horacio (Hachito)
If the next version is 1.0.3 ... then I download and install this version in my site.
The problem still persists in version 1.0.3

I just went to your forum and it's working?
I set the questions per page to 10 and I still see the link to sort when viewing the current entries.
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Legacy vBQuiz

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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