Pricing Changes & DBTech Updates

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I receive this mail today.

Firstly, the price of vBShout will be increasing as of May 1st.
We try to release all of our products at a discounted price when they first come out in order to reward early adopters. However, as the products are updated and improved, we raise the price to reflect the large amount of work and man hours which go into them. This price increase will be tied in with the release of vBShout version 5.0.
The exact price increase has not yet been determined. It is likely to be around $10-20.

i am some lifetime licence holder and i must also pay more to get new updates etc. ???

Confused about this mail.


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In short, no :) You won't have to pay anything extra, it only effects new purchases (or renewals if your license expires, which yours won't being a lifetime license).

Hope that clears up any confusion :)
The price increase only applies to new customers/additional licenses or renewals.

If you have an owned license, you don't need to pay anything more =)
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