Question How to manually uninstall?

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How would I go about manually uninstalling? seemed to work for a few min after install and then white pages for admincp and main forum. Only change that was made was installing this mod. I have added the define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); to config.php with no change.
I ended up just reuploading Vbulletin files and then uninstalling it after files uploaded. Is this not working for 5.1.2 p3? This is a fresh install of VB with just a style installed.
Please make sure display_errors is turned on in php.ini, and turn on the debug flags in both the core and presentation config.php files.
Im going to create a testing environment. I will install there and post my results if any errors happen.

Do you guys do custom mods?
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We do indeed, but please do be aware that our ability to create modifications for vB5 is naturally limited by the limitations on that platform. Additionally, the cost is going to be higher due to the fact that vB5 mods require several orders of magnitude more maintenance than vB3/vB4 mods do.

With that said, our custom work form is here:

Please do fill out the Budget field as well, as it helps us gauge whether we would be able to complete the work you request. Thank you :)
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vBulletin 5.0.x vBulletin 5.1.x vBulletin 5.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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