Drugs and Rock & Roll


So last Friday I had a chance to go to the Uproar Tour, featuring:

New Medicine
Hail the Villain
Hell Yeah
Stone Sour
Avenged Sevenfold

Now, I fracking LOVE A7X and they are who I was there for. When they finally came on I threw caution to the winds and went into the mosh pit.

Now, I'm 44 years old and I was at the concert with my wife, my 16 year old daughter and two of her friends. I was kicking ass and having fun when they formed a circle pit. I got in the circle pit and was doing great....until someone tripped and his head hit me right in the mouth, causing one of my teeth to bend backwards. It was painful, cut my lip and totally worth it!

I went to the dentist yesterday and they told me there was nothing they could do. It's fractured at the base. That means they can't pull it as it would break off and get infected. So now I have to go to an oral surgeon and get a titanium post put in.

My problem? Eating fracking hurts! My first meeting with the oral surgeon happens next Thursday - one week from today. And that's just a consultation. I'll have to schedule the actual surgery then and who knows when that's going to be.

So that's my story. Wondering where the drugs part is? I'll be getting them soon for pain.

It was still worth it, but getting less worth it every day...
GG! ;) I'm 38 and stay out of the pits nowdays. Most of the music I listen to is a bit on the harder side like Slayer and such and those pits and the kids in them now... more pain that I'm willing to put up with the older I get. I don't heal as quickly anymore. hehe

Glad you enjoyed it though, I mean... had you not, you'd have nothing positive about the situation, now you do. Although I wouldn't want to see the oral surgery bill!
Oh snaps yo.

This why I always tell my rocker friend to take a helmet with him to concerts. Dude still thinks I'm just playin'.