Bug DBSEO Database Errors

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Hey Fillip,

sporadicly I receive error mesages like this one:

Invalid SQL:

FROM dbtech_dbseo_resolvedurl
WHERE seourl = 'XXX'

MySQL-Fehler : Out of resources when opening file './XXX/dbtech_dbseo_resolvedurl.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
Fehler-Nr. : 23
Fehler-Zeit : Sunday, January 25th 2015 @ 04:27:32 AM
Datum : Sunday, January 25th 2015 @ 04:27:32 AM
Skript : XXX
Referrer :
IP-Adresse :
Benutzername : N/A
Klassenname : DBSEO_Database_MySQLi
MySQL-Version :

If they occur, than in packs of a few hundreds. I´ve never experienced an Out of resources error. Since this is a very uncommon one and related to the open files limit of our SQL. Is there a recommended value for that?
That is something you need to contact your host for assistance with, it's a server configuration setting and I've never actually ran into this before so I don't know what the recommended value is.

Do feel free to post back with what they ended up setting it to that works for you :)
I will if we found out about one :D But DBSEO seems to be like a fat bottomed girl when it comes to ressources - may be you could make her a bit more skinny ;)
It actually is not. Your server's monitoring scripts believe it is, because DBSEO loads the vBulletin environment which causes monitoring scripts to believe DBSEO is the cause of all of vBulletin's resource usage.
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