Bug Database Errors After Installation

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I just purchased and installed Advanced Post Thanks Like pro version and it brings my board down with errors and mysql messages.

I disabled the product and my board came back online.

Here are the errors.

Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 3.42.48 PM.png

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

post.*, post.username AS postusername, post.ipaddress AS ip, IF(post.visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,
user.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*,
icon.title as icontitle, icon.iconpath,
avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight,
spamlog.postid AS spamlog_postid,
deletionlog.userid AS del_userid, deletionlog.username AS del_username, deletionlog.reason AS del_reason,
apipost.platformname AS mobile_platformname,
editlog.userid AS edit_userid, editlog.username AS edit_username, editlog.dateline AS edit_dateline,
editlog.reason AS edit_reason, editlog.hashistory,
postparsed.pagetext_html, postparsed.hasimages,
sigparsed.signatureparsed, sigparsed.hasimages AS sighasimages,
sigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight,
IF(user.displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid

, dbtech_thanks_statistics.*, post.userid, dbtech_thanks_statistics.*, post.userid, dbtech_thanks_statistics.*, post.userid,blog_user.entries
FROM post AS post
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid)
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON(userfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON(usertextfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = post.iconid)
LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN spamlog AS spamlog ON(spamlog.postid = post.postid)
LEFT JOIN deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(post.postid = deletionlog.primaryid AND deletionlog.type = 'post')
LEFT JOIN editlog AS editlog ON(editlog.postid = post.postid)
LEFT JOIN postparsed AS postparsed ON(postparsed.postid = post.postid AND postparsed.styleid = 1 AND postparsed.languageid = 1)
LEFT JOIN sigparsed AS sigparsed ON(sigparsed.userid = user.userid AND sigparsed.styleid = 1 AND sigparsed.languageid = 1)
LEFT JOIN sigpic AS sigpic ON(sigpic.userid = post.userid)
LEFT JOIN apipost AS apipost ON (apipost.contenttypeid = 1 AND apipost.contentid = post.postid)
LEFT JOIN dbtech_thanks_statistics AS dbtech_thanks_statistics ON(dbtech_thanks_statistics.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN dbtech_thanks_statistics AS dbtech_thanks_statistics ON(dbtech_thanks_statistics.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN dbtech_thanks_statistics AS dbtech_thanks_statistics ON(dbtech_thanks_statistics.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN blog_user AS blog_user ON (blog_user.bloguserid = post.userid)
WHERE post.postid IN (0556025,556230,556235,556238,556250,556259,556268,556291,556420,556443,558045,558350,558371,558493,558496,558536,558537,558559,558565,558569,558571,558573,558581,558582,558628)
ORDER BY post.dateline;

MySQL Error : Not unique table/alias: 'dbtech_thanks_statistics'
Error Number : 1066
Request Date : Friday, July 22nd 2016 @ 04:42:19 PM
Error Date : Friday, July 22nd 2016 @ 04:42:19 PM
Script : Mivera Audio Superstream Transport/Server: another contender?
Referrer : Music Servers
IP Address :
Username : The Computer Audiophile
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.5.47-MariaDB
I checked showthread.php to see if showthread_query was doubled up, but it's only listed one time and showthread_query_postids is listed one time.
Could it have anything to do with doing step number 2 after installation?

2. CHMOD the following folders to 0777
Hello chris27,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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Legacy Advanced Post Thanks / Like

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
Total downloads
Customer rating
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings