Legacy Creating spaces in description gifts/items

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When I create a gift , I try and make my description of it a little more the one sentence or line but have noticed when I press enter a couple of times to add line breaks it doesn't show when you get your PM when recording a gift.

I have to use < br > tags to make this work so it looks good on the actual shop but shows in the PM

It's not a massive flaw but would be nice to not see it.
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Unfortunately mixing HTML and auto-parsed line breaks would be massively confusing, so unless we completely disallowed HTML (which isn't really needed, because admins should be trusted enough) then we wouldn't be able to implement this :(
Actually this sounds a bit different. It's more of an issue of consistency than anything else.

Basically, he's ok with using BR tags or just using the enter key. But it shows the BR tags in the PM, but looks fine when displaying the item in the shop. So there's no way to make it look right in both places.
In the next version, HTML code like <br /> will no longer generate a line break - instead, a normal "enter key" press will :)

This will work both in the item hover and the gift PM :)
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