Copyright Enforcement Team


New member
Do you guys even think of one? Or its just you the dev's that enforce it.

Im really interested in this....since, yeah. I want to help ya'll...
I handle the copyright enforcement for DBTech =)

It's an ongoing process where data is gathered for a significant amount of time before action is decided on. In the position previously at Inferno Technologies what we would often do is highlight 1 or 2 smaller sites using our modifications illegally, and target them with legal action. In this way we get to recoup some of our costs and it discourages other sites from doing the same thing. Unfortunately it is often simply to expensive to target the distributors, but people knowing it's not worth it to illegally use our stuff usually helps. There are a couple of sites on our radar for this at the moment, and i'm just gathering evidence on the country of origin, ISP, file locations, personal data of the owner etc.

Not something we need help with at the moment, but thanks for the offer ^.^