Bug content.php and blog.php not working after enabling vbseo

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I once was able to make both content.php and blog.php works by setting Force Forum Directory Index on "NO" but now the content.php (articles) and blog.php (blogs) page are not found.

It works only when I turn vbseo off...

Any idea how I can make it work again?

Thanks in advance!
Make sure you have turned the Canonical URL settings off in the vB Friendly URL settings.
Make sure you have turned the Canonical URL settings off in the vB Friendly URL settings.

I'm sorry, but I don't know where to find this setting, I tried to find it in the following setting (Control Panel) :

- Seo setting : General setting
- General Rewrite Setting
- Forum URLs

but I didn't find what you mentioned... could you please show me the path to go there ?

Thanks in advance!
Well, I think I turned the canonical url setting off (french vbulletin) but it didn't solve my problem. Any idea how I can make urls work again?
I noticed that I can't even create new thread because of this issue. All the links are unavailable... I badly need your help. I sent you ftp access and administrator access to my forum by PM.
This was solved by changing the vB Friendly URL settings in the vBulletin Options, and by creating a .htaccess file as per the readme.txt instructions :)
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