Question Concerns before switching from vbseo to dbseo

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Purchased the pro this morning. But is there a step-by-step tutorial available for those switching from vbseo to dbseo? Sounds silly, but I´m a little bit afraid of breaking the whole site. Do I have to deactivate vbseo before importing and activating the dbseo plugin? The readme.txt is a little short on informations about that :erm:
Oh, wait. In the Similiar Threads section beneath this post are a couple of links with the same Q´s. Guess I´ll have a look into there first ;)
I will amend the release folder with a new readme file that explains the steps to import from vBSEO, meanwhile here's the instructions:

  1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to your forum root
  2. Open the .htaccess file in a FXP editor, comment out the vBSEO entries and add the DBSEO entries as per the readme.txt file, but not saving the file just yet
  3. Disable vBSEO from the vBulletin Products & Plugins
  4. Disable vBSEO Sitemap Generator from vBulletin Products & Plugins
  5. Import the DBSEO product
  6. Enter the DBSEO Control Panel via the ACP side menu link, click vBSEO Import and wait for it to complete
  7. Save the .htaccess file edit from the FXP editor
  8. Confirm that Forum Home, Forum Display and Show Thread pages load as intended
  9. Chmod the ./store_sitemap folder to 077
  10. Enter the DBSEO Control Panel via the ACP side menu link, click Sitemap Settings and enable sitemap generation
  11. Click the Build Sitemap link and wait for it to complete
  12. ????
  13. Profit
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